Mga masasarap na putahe at lutong bahay na kayang gawin ng kahit sino

Sapin Sapin


1 1/2 cups malagkit dough (galapong)
1/2 cup rice galapong
2 1/2 cups white sugar
3 cups cooked ubi (mashed)
grated coconut
4 cups thick coconut cream (from 2-3 coconuts)
2 cans (big) condensed milk
food coloring; violet & egg-yellow

Cooking Procedures:

1. Blend all ingredients except mashed ubi and food coloring.

Divide Into 3 Parts:

2. To one part – add mashed ubi. To heighten the color of the ubi, add a dash of violet food coloring. Mix well.
To 2nd part – add egg-yellow coloring. Mix well.
To 3rd part – just plain white, nothing to add.
3. Grease a round baking pan. Line with banana leaves and grease the leaves. Then, pour in ubi mixture. Spread evenly. Steam for 30 minutes or more, until firm. Note: cover the baking pan with cheese cloth before steaming.
4. Pour 2nd layer on top of the cooked ubi. Cover again and steam for 30 minutes.
5. Lastly, pour in 3rd layer or the plain mixture. Again, steam for 30 minutes or until firm.
6. Meanwhile, fry the grated coconut until brown and put on top of the sapin-sapin.
7. Cool before slicing.

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